Our Mission is to make a difference in the life’s of children in South Africa that find themselves in abusive circumstances and to aid them in any way possible.

To achieve this we opened our first SAFEHOUSE place of safety in Pretoria on 1 August 2003 and have since expanded this effort across South Africa.

SafeHouse was established for abused children who have been taken away from their parents by social structures, the Child Protection Unit, the child court -  and placed in places of safety. <DONATE HERE>

Waarom is Privaatplekke van tydelike versorging nodig?


As ʼn laaste uitweg is dit soms noodsaaklik om ʼn kind wat versorging en beskerming nodig het, van hulle primêre versorgers te verwyder om te voorkom dat verdere mishandeling plaasvind (United Nations, 2009:7).

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